Frequently asked questions

On our website or at our office in Horst. We will contact you as soon as we find a suitable job for you.

We need relevant information in order to find a job that best suits your knowledge, experience and expectations. When registering, you will need to provide us with at least the following information: first name and surname, address and phone number, identification document, BSN, bank account number, health insurance number and CV.

In addition to your gross salary, you also receive a holiday allowance. The amount of the allowance is shown on the payslip as a provision. Furthermore, you also accumulate other provisions for every hour worked. They are used to continue to pay out your salary in the case of a day off, short absence, public holidays or a special leave of absence. These provisions are also presented on the payslip.

Every employee over 21 years of age who has worked for KEES Werkt for more than 26 weeks takes part in the pension scheme of the STIPP Pensioen fund.

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